
Master in Business Administration (MBA in English) de UNIR

Master in Business Administration (MBA) in English

The Master in Business Administration in English from the Faculty of Business
Conquer management with UNIR’s MBA in English The Master’s Degree in Business Administration in English from the School of Business Manage change in a global market, lead business management at an international level and master a highly valued language in terms of employability. Live the experience of working from start to finish on a real digital transformation project supervised by the experienced faculty of UNIR’s MBA in English. Inicio: 21 de octubre de 2024

TIPO DE CURSO: Másters Oficiales
METODOLOGÍA: Másters Online
INICIO: Flexible


The Master in Business Administration in English from the Faculty of Business
Conquer management with UNIR’s MBA in English The Master's Degree in Business Administration in English from the School of Business Manage change in a global market, lead business management at an international level and master a highly valued language in terms of employability. Live the experience of working from start to finish on a real digital transformation project supervised by the experienced faculty of UNIR's MBA in English.

Lead organizations at a global level Boost your career by improving your strategic and leadership skills to occupy managerial positions regardless of the market you focus on. With UNIR's 100% MBA in English, you will amplify your job prospects while taking a unique and highly business-oriented course.

Master specialized business terminology in English, a highly valued quality in international business.
Learn from professors with worldwide experience in different sectors.
Network and make international and multicultural contacts.
Learn hands-on with the Harvard case method.


Expand your knowledge and work experience thanks to UNIR's MBA English. To access our specialized training program you must meet certain requirements. This degree is for you if:

You are looking for a 360-degree knowledge of the areas of a company.
You want to improve your business vision and be updated by working professionals.
You need to manage high-performance teams in multidisciplinary and multicultural environments.
You want to reach positions of greater responsibility within a company or even create your own.
You need to improve your level of English to broaden your range of professional possibilities.
You want to lead


El MBA en inglés de UNIR exige un título que acredite un nivel mínimo de B2 en la lengua inglesa. Además, para poder acceder es necesario contar con una Titulación Universitaria. Este requisito se corresponde con los criterios de acceso establecidos en el artículo 16 del RD 1393/2007:

Estar en posesión de un título universitario oficial español u otro expedido por una institución de educación superior del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) que facultan en el país expedidor del título para el acceso de enseñanzas de Máster.
Poseer un título conforme a sistemas educativos ajenos al EEES sin estar homologado. UNIR comprobará la equivalencia pareja con los títulos universitarios oficiales españoles para el acceso a postgrados. Esta vía no implicará, en ningún caso, la homologación del título previo del que esté en posesión el interesado, ni su reconocimiento a otros efectos que cursar el máster.


Titulación oficial universitaria expedida por UNIR y reconocida por el Ministerio de Educación


1st Quarter
Strategic Management 6
Innovation Management: Business Transformation 6
Integral Marketing 6
Budget Management and Control 6
Human Resources and Talent Management 6

2nd Quarter
Finance in a Digital Environment 6
Operations and Logistics Management 6
Internship 6
Final Project 12


At the end of the program you will have practical and solid knowledge on an advanced level in different fields.

Global vision of the elements of a company: organization, accounting, finance, marketing and other aspects necessary and parallel to a successful management.
Decision-making to manage technological change, and use information tools to improve management with innovation as a competitive weapon.
Management and Business Administration.


Profesores y colaboradores destacados
Luis Muñoz Velasco
ISOLUX. Controller. Experto en gestión operativa y dirección financiera de proyectos internacionales. Gestión de grandes carteras a nivel internacional.

Carlos Sánchez Corrales
MAPFRE. Innovation Project & Knowledge Manager y mentor en programas de aceleración. Especialista en reestructurar empresas para enfocarlas en la innovación, el desarrollo de nuevos productos, el crecimiento ágil y los resultados.

Francisco Javier Blasco de Luna
ADECCO GROUP INSTITUTE. Director y emprendedor, con experiencia en el desarrollo de negocios. Además, es abogado y directivo en varias empresas multinacionales del sector de RRHH. Apasionado de la comunicación y la investigación.


Trinidad Cortés Puyá
Doctorado por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y beca de investigación TURESPAÑA 1999. Posee 15 años de experiencia en el desarrollo de negocio, implementación de estrategias y gestión. Consultora externa en Hotels Efficiency y Proskene.

Isabel Ng
Profesora Universitaria de MBA en prestigiosas universidades de EEUU y China. Ha impartido clases como Profesora de MBA en el Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College en Estados Unidos, así como en el School of Management at Fudan University.

Juan Pedro Asencio Flores
BANCO SANTANDER. Assistant Vice President en Santander Private Banking International, división especializada en Banca Privada Internacional de Banco Santander y colaborador en proyectos nacionales e internacionales.

Garen Markarian
15 years of experience in management education at the undergraduate, masters, executive, and Ph.D. level. BS in biology from the American University of Beirut, and a Ph.D. from the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University.

Shih-Fu Liu
PhD in Industrial Design. Bachelor degree in Electronic engineering. Master degree in Computer System Engineering. Master in Business Administration in Project Management.

José López Rojas
JRO DERIVATES. Director Ejecutivo y Socio Fundador de consultora de riesgos financieros y finanzas cuantitativas. Cuenta con experiencia en la cobertura de riesgos, habiendo desarrollado su actividad en instituciones como Coopers & Lybrand.

Radosław Zając
MBA from the Business School at Warsaw University of Technology, and Master of Mathematics from the Jagiellonian University. Has worked as a business analyst and Project Manager at PZU, the largest Polish insurance corporation.

Isabel López Briones
Spanish tourism Marketing and communication professional, holding positions of responsibility in public and private sectors.

Antonio Muñoz Sánchez
Socio Fundador en A2GesPeople. Ingeniero superior industrial y Director de proyectos de RRHH en Red Eléctrica de España

Yolanda Rodríguez Luengo
UNIR. Directora de Área de Empresa de la Facultad de Empresa y Comunicación. Ha desarrollado su vertiente docente durante más de 25 años en universidades públicas y privadas. Cuenta con amplia experiencia en el ámbito de la consultoría estratégica.

Marc Bara Iniesta
Consultor y docente en Project Management. Asesora a empresas en implantación métodos-herramientas gestión de proyectos.

Gerardo Mochales
ACCIONA. Global Executive Director y Head of Strategy, Marketing and Communications. Ex- Director en The Coca-Cola Company Marketing & Brand Strategy y miembro del Consejo de Política Internacional de la CEOE.


Become the digital leader who can adapt to today's complex and constantly changing environment. You will be able to obtain positions of:

Executive Management, by providing a transversal vision of the business and ensuring the fulfillment of the company's objectives.
Digital Transformation Management by ensuring the digitization of the company or entity.
Operations Management, by optimally executing the company's processes.
Financial Management, by making decisions on key aspects of the institution.
Marketing Management, by establishing objectives, assessing and monitoring results and identifying new markets.
Human Resources Management, by carrying out tasks like recruiting talent and managing teams.
Manager, by leading projects within the company and managing the different teams involved.
Business consultant, by advising all parties involved and ensuring the correct long-term operation.
Entrepreneur, by leading, managing projects and research with their own vision and purpose, assuming the risks of the entrepreneurial function.