Private Masters Degree In Exercise and Sports Physiotherapy de la Universidad Europea
Boost your career in sports physiotherapy thanks to a practical methodology led by prestigious and highly regarded professionals. Some things can only be learnt from the inside.
The Master in Exercise and Sports Physiotherapy is designed to provide students with the skills and resources necessary to become sports physiotherapists and prevent and treat injuries as well as achieve rapid recoveries in injured athletes, all while being part of a multidisciplinary team. As part of the sports physiotherapy masters, students will cover many areas including injury prevention, diagnosis, functional rehabilitation, and pathology and medicine.
Our master in sports physiotherapy is the first in Spain taught entirely in English and has been ranked as the best nationwide as a specialised master in physiotherapy by El Mundo Newspaper.
View the Spanish version of the Master: Máster Universitario en Fisioterapia Deportiva
Title issued by Universidad Europea de MadridTEMARIO
Module I The athlete’s physiological environment: training
Module II Multidisciplinaries Sciences
Module III Prevention and planning the return to play after a sports injury
Module IV Diagnosis and esencials methods of sports physiotherapy
Module V Diagnosis and methods of sports physiotherapy
Module VI Master's Thesis
Basic skills
CB1: Students must have demonstrated the possession and understanding of knowledge in an area of study that starts from the base of general secondary education, and is usually found at a level that, although supported by advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that imply knowledge coming from the cutting edge of your field of study.
CB2: Students must know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and possess the competencies that are usually demonstrated through the development and defence of arguments and problem-solving within their area of study.
CB3: Students must have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of study) to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
CB4: Students must be able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
CB5: Students must have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
Transversal skills
CT1: Teamwork
CT2: Awareness of ethical values
CT3: Responsibility
CT4: Leadership
CT5: Empathy
CT6: Capacity for self-directed learning
CT7: Innovation and creativity
CT8: Critical thinking
Specific skills
CE1. Evaluate sports training, as well as the relevant supporting sciences, such as exercise physiology.
CE2. Identify the pathophysiology of sport injuries, as well as the treatments to be performed in each of them by doctors and other physical health professionals.
CE3. Analyse the biomechanics of sports movements, both from the point of view of mechanical efficiency and the possible impact that they may have on the athlete's pathology.
CE4. Understand the athlete’s diet, as well as its application for the improvement of the athlete’s performance or the acceleration of the athlete’s recovery process.
CE5. Distinguish and correctly apply the specific physiotherapy techniques used in different recovery phases, as well as for the athlete’s physical maintenance, prevention of injuries or improvement of the athlete's performance.
CE6. Plan specific physiotherapy programmes in the multidisciplinary framework of a sports team.
CE7. Learn to perform a biomechanical analysis to develop physical aids for the athlete in the field of ergonomics.
CE8. Master the processes of interaction and communication within the multidisciplinary framework of a sports team.
CE9. Search for, obtain, process and communicate the information necessary to develop research projects.
CE10. Design, develop and communicate research projects.
Sports physiotherapy is one of many specialties in physiotherapy, focused on the rehabilitation, care and injury prevention of amateur and professional athletes. It also aims to establish guidelines for all patients who engage in physical activity and want to carry out their activity safely.
After completing the Master in Sports Physiotherapy, graduates will be qualified to work—either for a company or as a freelancer—in any sport-related organisation. They will also be prepared to develop and launch their own entrepreneurship projects.
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